miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2016

oooh, calor de tu distancia

Sentir ese apasionado calor de tu ausencia, que arde dentro de mí, llorando otro momento contigo, oooh cuantas aflicciones, oooh cuantas barreras se han levantado para que tu y yo no estemos juntos, solo dame tu mano y lucharemos contra todas estas adversidades juntos, separados nos pueden hacer daño, pero juntos nos cuidaremos uno con el otro y seremos invencibles, solo tú y yo, no se una eternidad juntos piénsalo.

Ernesto F. (DEMO V)

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2016

the time

the time in which you are the only who know what to do, waiting for the opportunity, of camidar but do not know which way to go.

jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

Cuando tienes

  1. Cuando tienes la capacidad de fustigar a cualquier hombre en el mundo, entonces nunca puedes encontrar la paz.


Jokes? There is something like jokes. The truth is the funniest of all jokes.


"Impossible" is simply a word that often use the weak men to live peacefully in the world that touched them, without risking explore the power they have to change it. "Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinion. "Impossible is not a declaration, it is a challenge. "Impossible" is potential. "Impossible" is temporary. "Nothing is impossible.


Hating others by their skin color is wrong. And no matter what color is concerned, it is simply wrong.

The man

The man who views the world at fifty the same way he looked at twenty, has lost thirty years of his life.